Monday, October 25, 2010

Don't Steal my Imaginary Pizza!!
                 My trips to the store can be easily done without children in tow, but nothing beats the entertainment they give when I am around them. Friendship is so important in childhood, how to make friends and keep them, and especically resolving conflicts. My children are still learning these processes, but I'm sure they will be Jedis by the time they reach 5th grade. The quality of friendship of course is what homeschooling parents need to find. When my children went to brick and mortal school, they had plenty of kids around them and a quantity of friends to play tag on the school yard. It still doesn't count toward quality friendship where they actual talk to one another.
                 Calling past classmates and finding children in the neighborhood provides them with essential skills. It just not play time, they are learning how to become adults. Yes, even while playing. Let them call their friends, don't overparent, let them make mistakes. How else would you know what they need help with? In the past I have overparented, but yesterday I let my son Adam call his friends and he had to speak to their mom first, he amazed me how well he did. Let them amaze you.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Teaching Poetry
     Last night I went to the library and checked out a few childhood favorites one of them, Where the Sidewalk Ends. I began as soon as we got home to read a poem from inside the book to my three ninos. Captain Hook was the poem and it was explaining how terrible to be him, they laughed so hard and sometimes fought over who gets to read the next one. Now that today is here, that is our plan writing poetry and castle building and learning about knights, and Surah At-Tin (the Fig).
     Thursday is a hands-on day, less worksheets, more arts and sciences. Poetry is an art of organization among beauty, can I really teach it? I guess at least on a 2nd grade level, and with help of some ideas from funny poems like Captain Hook, it will be at least fun.
   Captain Hook
Captain Hook must remember 
Not to scratch his toes.
Captain Hook must watch out
And never pick his nose.
Captain Hook must be gentle
When he shakes your hand. 
Captain Hook must be careful
Openin' sardine cans
And playing tag and pouring tea
And turning pages of his book.
Lots of folks I'm glad I ain't -
but mostly Captain Hook!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

  Respect and Respectability
     I am amazed how time passes like wind through the trees, unless you look directly at them for changes, it becomes unnoticed. I thank Allah that we don't wake up one day and look into the mirror and all of the wrinkles and gray hair appears overnight. He prepares us slowly for the privledge to grow old.  I don't mind being called Ma'am as long as I still feel like a Miss inside.
   As parents we have another huge task teaching the youth about what growing old means and how to treat those who are older than us. The other day a man asked my son to help him with holding the door open, my son replied "uh yeah sure." I was a bit startled. I walked my son to the door and told him to refer to this man as Uncle or Aamu, since he was an Arabic speaking Muslim man who he knows well. It was clear to me how he should be addressed, of course my son wasn't indignant, he just replied with a certain casualness that was uncomfortable to me.
        My son had pressed the issue and said should a say the same thing to a man at the bank? (referring to a non-muslim non-arabic speaking) I thought about the issue, it is two set of rules to live by, even though we are using these rules because of the different cultural norms. He knows one man and doesn't know the other. I said for those who you don't know Sir is a standard form of respect and Ma'am for a woman. I address people differently I don't call my friend Suzy and begin the conversation with Khafa Haluk, and she hasn't told me she minds yet.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Muslim Momma is journal of advice and refuge from the ordinary!

That picture is me your Momma Guru - and may God forgive me but i will try to be careful as to not offend. " Words are like medicine a little is good for you ... too much and it could destroy you completely."
I will try to give you links to resources for religion, home-education, family and relationships, cooking, business, and where the funny is in life.