Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Muslim Momma is journal of advice and refuge from the ordinary!

That picture is me your Momma Guru - and may God forgive me but i will try to be careful as to not offend. " Words are like medicine a little is good for you ... too much and it could destroy you completely."
I will try to give you links to resources for religion, home-education, family and relationships, cooking, business, and where the funny is in life. 


  1. Salaam Alaikum! May Allah assist you in your efforts. I look forward to reading your blog. I'm currently not homeschooling but may return to it in the future. I'll be picking your brain in the meantime and warn you I'll steal all your good ideas for my kids :). Fi Aman Allah!

  2. Do as all, those who teach do... :) I admire you for opening a panel for women to talk and express themselves. Its in the gathering that expression becomes action.

  3. Wa'Alaikum Salam Sr. Nancy! Stealing ideas is the best theft in which all gain and no one is losing.

    Thank you Darkthoughtbox,

    It is an everyday reminder to do everything for the pleasure and reward by Allah (subhana wa ta'allah) God (Glory be to Him Alone). If we make the sincere intention to do something for Him then we may be rewarded generously.

    Otherwise if our deeds are just to make money, or to show off then there is little or no blessing.
